Saturday, November 13, 2004

new worlds open up in fragmented spaces of continuum (continuando continuing) with the arched back of a question mark, un point interrogatif, of the offspring of questions, of blank spaces and the glazed over pupil-iris combination of a tired pair of eyes, the redness of.
over millions of kilometers or what seems like, there is the birth of a reverberation and of a sound hitherto unknown to these ears, vierge. the raucous uninhibited sweetness of song trapped by chance in the waves of inter-hemispherical communication, trapped in the web of a satellite's emissions to make its way into a stranger's ear and head and heart. so that one morning the point interrogatif stretches out lazily onto the flat terrain of tomorrow and morfs into a point exclamatif.

un point exclamatif (ex point interrogatif) tout seul en face au plateau de l'inconnu...
the platform of life unshaped by the known or predicted or interpreted.

tout ce que je sais c'est dans ce moment, cet fragment qui contient tout.

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