Friday, December 08, 2006

opening night, 1st december

un po' di foto per quelli che, per un motivo o per l'altro, non sono potuti venire.

to those present on the night, thank you for coming.

i know there are photologs for these kind of things, but bla.

for more images of this marvellous event, see monsieur jaques' much better photos.


stellou said...

hurrah!! congratulations!! i raise to you many glasses of celebratory opening-night champagne!! ^_^
hey, hey, cecio, i know you sometimes treat us with some of your work on here, but do you have an art site somewhere online?

cecio said...

thanks stellou!
(un)fortunately no, i don't. i have enough trouble handling one web space (and it's even done for you by blogger!)
one day i will learn html, one day i will have many pictures and a pretty site, mais pour l'instant, on commence avec les petites choses...