Thursday, July 06, 2006

My lungs are freshly inebriated with the sweet smell of blue and green oil paint. The crisp crackle of turpentine on skin, the ruddiness of hands afterwards. And I wonder why people use acrylics. This picture is probably the last thing I will have painted (for a good while anyway) using this plasticous modern medium, so stiff, so brittle, so lenient to quick air drying. Makes me think of fat cheap brushes in kindergardengoers’ tiny hands, big tubes of bright colour, splattered on thin poster paper.

The necessity of colour, spread on white, thin here and thick there, to balance the necessity of not thinking. I wake as if from a long dream, and the air is round and new and the morning yellow.
Nights of non sleep, partly due to world cup induced psychosis, partly to the increasing schism between lightness and weight, as limbs and heart and veins adjust to new spaces, creaking into place like an old house. There are moments where one must live the heaviness, embrace it masochistically, let it weigh you down for a time. In order to put lightness into perspective again.

Kundera said that lightness is unbearable to being, not in the sense that we cannot stand it, but in the literal sense of the word ‘to bear’, that is: to carry, to sustain. lightness cannot be sustained, so that Being inevitably gravitates towards heaviness, in order to search for lightness again.

We are lava lamps.


Anonymous said...

welcome back...

Anonymous said...

bon retour sur le blog.....!!

no comment sur la victoire de vos bleus sur nos bleus !!
victoire "à l'italienne" comme on dit chez nous.....

j'aime beaucoup ce tableau.....

montre nous donc d'autre choses comme ça...

cecio said...

fabs: hey chook i was thinkin about ya the other night, caught up in the middle of rome's mass psychosis! hope you had a few peronis on me!

didier: t'a vu, j'ai pas attendu tro longtemps, c'etait courte la vacance, jcrois que ca me fait du bien d'ecrire parfois.
desolee pour la france... fin... pa tro desolee, vous pouvez pas gagner tout le temps! mais c'etait tro belle la victoire, j'ai plu d voix!

Anonymous said...

es una pena que hayas cortado el morro del coche, pero tu cuadro me gusta, los colores me recuerdan una noche en la sotea de mi antiguo piso de cordoba...Buen trabajo.
Konzo quierre comprarte los cuadros de much, cuando puedas mada tu precio...

cecio said...

nando: jt'ai ecris un email mais avant que j lisais ca... merci, mais el morro del coche c'etait pas dans la photo et donc j'ai du l'inventer, c'est pour ca que c'est un peu de la merde. maintenant il est dans le salon de michaela e antonio. pour les tableaux de NUSCH il peut faire son prix lui meme le konso, ou toi sinon. vabbe' ne parliamo dopo. ciao!