Thursday, June 08, 2006

i have nothing more to say.

i think i might stop writing for some time, i feel like all major adventurings have kinda come to a standstill, and i need to process them in another medium. i was never good with words anyway.

vacation from blogging is what it will be.


kiles1670 said...

I have only just found your blog, shame u are taking a blogcation.. hurry back soon.

cecio said...

hi kiles, i'm not sure i'm the blogger you were lookin for but happy blogs to you anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am not a blogger, but I have enjoyed your adventures. Enjoy your new freedom and be whatever you want to be. Just remember that there have been many people listening.

Anonymous said...

hé feliz tu nous fais une petite dépression .... ??

Anonymous said...

que pasa tia. me gusta venir a tu blog a veces para saber como va tu vida. qieria irme a cordoba para verte, pero ahora lo se que non estas aqui in españa. vale. escribeme cuando puedes( todavia estoy aqui in barca, pero para cuanto tiempo no se. un baccione,