Friday, May 27, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
agua y vida intersection, seville, and 7am sleepiness at the train station in cordoba. these are all photos i recently developed, it is the last batch from this amazing country, i promise i wont put up any more...
fromm cecio at 7:47 am 0 commentario
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
fromm cecio at 7:33 am 0 commentario
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
I finally figured out how to upload photos. anyway, here is cadiz boats and cadiz shoes, and some images from the feria de sevilla
fromm cecio at 7:01 am 0 commentario
Saturday, May 21, 2005
pueblo blanco
espejo y luz
donde vì la cara
del tiempo
pueblo desnudo
yo te vì
un dia
cuando el mundo
ya se acostaba
pueblo de nadie
hijo de tu verde casa
casa de tus verdes hijos
te descubrì
un dia
con tus huellas de moro
y tus paredes de sal
pueblo de nata y leche
que criaste los gitanos
y acogiste vagabundos
como yo
pueblo blanco
ya existìas
cuando todo
fromm cecio at 2:15 pm 1 commentario
Saturday, May 14, 2005
fromm cecio at 2:43 pm 0 commentario
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
il cielo é puro, la temperatura di 35 gradi circa, il panorama fuori é fatto del movimento di questo treno, casine bianche e prati, e l´ondeggiare dei nostri riflessi. si passa per chiclana de la frontera. si ritorna a cordoba.
qualche ora dopo, seduta nel giardino della mezquita, ascolto un´orrenda musica kitsch anni 80 90 che mi ha spedito poco tempo fa mia sorella, e mi fa sorridere facendomi pensare ai miei 10-12 anni, pantaloni arena e frangette gonfie. l´aria si riempie di caldo e di un profumo dolciastro di fiori d´arancio, mura ocre e colonne bianche, mattoni che formano archi e decorazioni orientali.
colombe che boccheggiano in attesa di panini scartati da turisti inglesi e tedeschi con calzini e sandali. foglie verdi chiare trasparenti.
algunas veces esta bien de acuerdarse quien eres, de donde eres, donde vas, y que dia es.
sometimes its a good thing to remind yourself who you are, where you come from, where you are going, and what day it is.
fromm cecio at 11:46 am 4 commentario
Monday, May 02, 2005
fromm cecio at 3:39 pm 0 commentario
these are the nuns from the monastery in vejer, except they dont come out much so this is the only picture i could get. the arab influence in this place is overwhelming.
fromm cecio at 3:07 pm 0 commentario
vejer de la frontera. this is the closest ive been to the african continent. except maybe israel. but anyway, there was a certain excitement upon seeing the coast of morocco from the roof of the whitewashed pension in the middle of the whitewashed pueblo of vejer. already i have gone on at length about the whitewashed tendencies of andalusia, but jesus this was insane. in the deep south of la provincia de cadiz there is an old man with a toothless grin with whom we speak at length on the roof, and his accent is almost incomprehensible but he is emanating happiness and kindness, like the majority of people from this part of the world
fromm cecio at 2:38 pm 0 commentario