Wednesday, March 16, 2005


plaza de españa

girl buying cigarettes

el arte esta en la calle....( triana)

here are some photos from the festival de alternativas held in a park in seville a couploweekends ago.

ceci c'est un visage


oh my.

vento in faccia,alzo le braccia

check out the little one's face, with the baloon!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

so there's been a lot of talk about love circulating the present surroundings, the ifs and whats and buts and maybes of it, and really its clear and simple, and really its a great confusion. so i won't blab further about the haps and mishaps of the big L... what do people think? what do you think, reader and or friend, about the consitencies and inconsistencies of the good feelin? ...its tragic, euphoric, disillusioned, hopeful, fearful, hesitant, proud, stubborn, metaphysical, social, religious, anthropo-chemical molecular makeup? and please address me as Dr. Phil from now on. i'm having deep revelations. deep.

orange fingers peel pebbles through filters of ozone.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

e' l'otto marzo, festa internazionale delle donne. e che bella cosa che ci sia una giornata dedicata alla donna, penso io. e dedicata anche alla lotta contro la repressione e la violenza della donna in troppi paesi. infatti guardate qui, proprio in turchia oggi si manifestava pacificamente per i diritti delle donne e guardate cos'e' successo... cliccate sulle foto per farle piu' grandi, stanno a meta' articolo...

it's the 8th of march, international women's day, and what a great thing that there should be a day dedicated to women, and to the fight against the repression and violence against women in too many countries... but then you see this: today in turkey some people were rallying peacefully for the rights of women and look at what happened... i know this is in italian, but just scroll down about halfway through the article and click on the little photos to make them bigger, its the images that count...

to the ladies out there with the freedom to read this, have a great day.

Friday, March 04, 2005

and then there was sun...
suddenly, it came along, took us by surprise, forced us out of our cavernous hibernations, called to itself the squinting of eyes and the curling of lips and skin and hands into a stretch, it just crept back in through the crevices of a starry night. it warms brittle bones and elongates the bodies of cats. and then it leaves again for a moment. but yet there he is and the filter changes and the world changes also.

crispy and smooth and nice smelling and new and the heart skips a beat.