Wednesday, October 05, 2005

hace tiempo que escribo unicamente en ingles, lo siento para lo que no se enteran, mi espanol tampoco es muy bueno, y ademas creo que hay solmente una persona espanola que lee este blog.
quindi cambio in italiano. ma poi perche' continuo a scrivere? originariamente questo blog aveva lo scopo di tenermi in contatto con amici lontani durante periodi di grande distacco, evitando cosi' email di massa. il problema e' che diventa sempre piu un mondo isolato, dove non c'e' molta interazione con gli altri. quano ci capiro' qualcosa faro' dei cambiamenti importanti. big changes.

anyway there are two dragon flies dancing in the front yard, bumping into eachother still somewhat gracefully. courtship.
job interviews turn out to be useless. the net is useless. its ok, im still truckin people today will be my resume run day of power, where ill just hand it out to ANYONE and then hope that at some stage someone will be serious when they say we are very interested in you joining the team miss we'll call you very soon, smile, wink, and then days of silence. matto was pointing out to me yesterday that i am too picky because i said i wouldnt work at mackers. he reckons if you're in desperate need of work you'll work anywhere, which is ridiculous. i told him i'd rather lick toilet floors than work for mackers. But of course i won't need to do that because of course in a country like oz there are things like centrelink which keep you truckin until you DO find some sort of half arsed job that doesnt require the use of the tongue.

aaah. the joys of dole bludging. its actually not that joyous but poeple tend to get a bit narky when you get too comfortable. ahem.

yesterday i recieved about 200 photos from overdue films sitting about since march and oh my goodness the beauty of non digital photography, you just never know until the end. with digital you dont get that adrenaline rush just before you go pick them up, will they have turned out ok? and even questions like what the hell did i photograph to fit into 8 rolls of film? and suddenly youre looking at things you can only begin to remember living because of the time lag and oh its just so great...
ok im going to look for work now.


emma said...

oh yay miss fe. so beautiful. you and them both.

cecio said...

yay for photos! when are you going to send/put up some? go on tiger!