Tuesday, August 16, 2005

hair chopping fun and sleepless induced neurosis. in this house on the 8th floor the kitchen is illuminated by yello glassed balcony windows, 60s glass, and the condended sun. the kitchen is a hot place to be in in the afternoon.
sticky skin.
sticky kitchen.
kitchen kitsch.

the kitsch of italy.
glow in the dark statuettes of the virgin. holy kitsch. inflated boobs prancing around to sickening pop on the berlusconi owned news channel. boob kitsch. puffed hair and bonboniere collections, fake ceramic, fake wood boxes with fake silver flowers painted in polished plastic and fake intentions. wedding obligation kisch. pop compilation cds, 150 radio channels all screaming out gooey love songs and maybe the odd accordeonic example, tape stalls at service stations crowned by boy george and laura pausini's early 90s hits. music kitsch. game show kitsch. advirtisement kitsch. frilly clothing kitsch. pirelli calendar kitsch.

and then the overwhelming contrast of that with the other things. those that keep me oh so tied to this place. the great things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and all of it a great canvas.