Wednesday, March 09, 2005

so there's been a lot of talk about love circulating the present surroundings, the ifs and whats and buts and maybes of it, and really its clear and simple, and really its a great confusion. so i won't blab further about the haps and mishaps of the big L... what do people think? what do you think, reader and or friend, about the consitencies and inconsistencies of the good feelin? ...its tragic, euphoric, disillusioned, hopeful, fearful, hesitant, proud, stubborn, metaphysical, social, religious, anthropo-chemical molecular makeup? and please address me as Dr. Phil from now on. i'm having deep revelations. deep.

orange fingers peel pebbles through filters of ozone.

1 comment:

emma said...

maybe the thing about love is that it can exist so far outside of analysis. that it's sentiment is a process, a living, rather than a thinking. that it is a felt thing. and that when it shifts into the realm of analysis, as soon as one attempts to quantify, to claim it in a mental way, it in some ways ceases to exist. or at least loses its momentum.