Tuesday, February 22, 2005

c'e' una foschia luminosa che copre siviglia stamattina, e un sole caldo contrasta l'aria fredda che esce dalla mia bocca mentre cammino. esco da castilleja de la cuesta, un pueblo piccolo e bianco e arabo in particolari, come la maggiorparte dei villaggi andalusi, compro una mela e metto le cuffie: vasco rossi a palla perche' oggi ci sta bene. passaggi di archi e polvere, di odore di caminetti e pesce fritto, di piedi di nonnetti antichi e rauchi, di finestrelle con quadri esagerati della madonna, di scritte sui muri lourdes te quiero o bush fascista, messaggi universali senza voce.

there is a strange haze covering the entirety of seville this morning, and a warm sun that contrasts the spiral of cold air exiting my mouth as i walk. i leave castilleja, this odd sounding village composed of white wash and cobblestone and arab particulars as in the oldest tradition of andalusia, i buy an apple and put on chunky headphones... passages of arches and dust, of the smell of fireplaces and fried fish, of the ancient feet of old men, of raucous voices, of tiny windows looking into exagerated paintings of the virgin, of scribbled walls: lourdes i love you or anti bush propaganda, universal messages without voice...

today is new.

1 comment:

cecio said...

it's the black knight!!!!
i won't be back for another 2 weeks but don't worry ill find out about it!!! big big love