Monday, December 13, 2004

sono passati parecchi giorni, lenti, che si strascicano come lumache, che sembrano settimane, settimane che sembrano mesi ecc... la pesantezza.
il corpo reclama...
tonsille espanse come nuvole grigiastre prima della pioggia. il bacillo che infiamma come un fuoco caldo le vene, il cuore, febbricitante vacillante. la stanchezza di troppe notti in bianco, troppi giorni passati come una macchina programmata a ripetere movimenti che sembrano innati, naturali, il lavoro come danza di morte. la solitudine assoluta di chi non riesce a star solo, che si riflette in ogni piu' piccola particella, in ogni atomo galleggiante nel microspazio infinito.

is it possible for an infection to spread to your very being? so that to the tormentous question what's wrong? you reply 'i am infected', as opposed to 'i have (in the sense of possessing) an infection'? i AM infection, blood pulsating with sickness that is circulated, breathed, lived.
is it possible to catch the sickness of the heart from others?
and the heart, being the sole organ responsible for delivering life and death to the minutest particles of the self, could it not also take responsibility for delivering those same potential actualities to others? for what separates us from others but a thin layer of skin and air? if not that very same heart that at time erects itself like a fortress, the solitary standing pump in the centre of this awkward assemblage of organs...?
heart, alone, in front of mirror heart, alone. enclosed bubbles, cylindrical spheres, porous membranes, impermeable.

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