Monday, December 27, 2004

it's late morning seediness and expansion of tonsils but a pleasant pleasantness in the weight of this heat. i follow the lines of these floorboards and this house where the whole world seems to filter through and in and out, and its familiarity and the poached egg and avocado goodness right next to me and now emma has a little page. she will soon be writing a comment under this post and i feel so very comfortable in this crevice of space and the closeness of these two kids.
tomorrow i leave this country with its wafty odours of eucalyptical peelings and summer rainstorms, the fuzziness of the cricket on tv and the ritualistic front porch exchanges, the saltiness of the water and the hugeness of it. everything has revelled back to its usual stillness after last night's celebrations and there are sleepy eyes and there is a heaviness lurking but i am happy. im going to hit the toasty-egg yumness now.

1 comment:

emma said...

it is the beginning of a new thing for us, for these little people gathered here. i am lost in a little head-hurty space, but i am in love with these two, with these two especially. i will long for this, when i no longer have it. this is where life is.